People III
originally created: 11/12/2023
last updated: 09/06/2023
Wow, I must really like people. Never thought this would be the first album to be receiving a third installment, but look how far we've come, this sure is pretty nice.
With the upcoming updates you're going to be seeing plenty more people around here, and there might even be confusion about why the People album is going to stay if most pictures of people are going into the Street Photography sections. I have decided to keep both and, this one, is where portraits and requested-modelling photos are going into; in other words, if I asked for permission, or if someone asked me to take a picture, it's going in here, and for the opposite, it is all going into the new street photography albums.
If you haven't yet, check out volumes I and II of the People albums, and thanks for enjoying.
Edy Rasta do Tambor & Aílton Dias, o Poeta das Ruas
Check out their work: Edy, Dias

The big fancy room

At Rennas'

I love her so much
This right here is one of my biggest life models: an ultra-agressive punk trans girl rockstar and literally the nicest person you'll ever meet in your life. It was so great to get to know her, and who knows, maybe it's right to cross fingers for future collab projects. Check out her stuff here.

Theater kids
Great spectacle

Beautiful totem man

The writers meet-up

The after-party

indigenous cultural endangerment lecture

"Hold up, take another one!"
When you're walking around with a camera in hands, people will often ask to be photographed. Also, when the attempt at something candid fails [or not], contact happens, the moment is broken, but the sentence I hear the most is "hold up, take another one." They pose, sometimes I pose them, and a portrait is made, contact is exchanged, and temporary friendships blossom. Do I want that extra photo? Most likely not. Am I happy to take it? Every single time. The best part about street photography are the confrontations. People are great, I love everyone, they always have a story to tell, and I'll always be thankful to get to know someone new.

Drunk drivers
Tales of cuckoldry and drunk driving; brothers in law; "I had a stroke just in this eye, can you believe it?"

"Can you take a picture of us?"

Can I take a picure of your eye?

And after confessing all their sins to a stranger, "take another one! take another one!"

Bonny, the skinhead barber
I'm a S.H.A.R.P. though, kill a chicken

Hanging out
My people is weird, but how else could it be? I'm weird

"It's the tattoos, isn't it?"
I'll never forget that story

"Ha! I look like an arab!"
The bass, the girl, the cello: Christmas

It was this night, when being presented to a "professional" photographer by a "professional" photographer friend of mine, that I discovered both that my photography is "gnarly" and "raw", and that I have a reputation for taking "gnarly" and "raw" photos.
"Cool pics" my friend said about some instagram stuff being shown to him, by the other guy, deemed as 'gritty'; and then, pointing at me: "but you wanna see underground, check out THIS motherfucker's photos." And the other guy said "'Undergound!' HA!'" So my friend rebutted, "No, man, I'm talking filthy, gnarly. Shit's raw. Nobody here takes photos like them."
Now let me tell you. What a way of inciting an indefinite hiatus, this was. Haven't had a night like this in months.

who even are these people

Ice flowers
ha get it haahha

What makes an artist?
You are an artist, I am an artist, we are artists. But what does it mean to MAKE art, exactly? To make art is to create, expressly. What does it mean to create? Maybe writing, painting, sculpting, but, what about living? What about making an armchair, or fixing a sandwich with the scraps of weeks of unfinished meals from your smelly and empty-looking fridge? What about going to work everyday, or having regular sex with a date that will stop being desirable in a few weeks? What about drinking a fresh cup of tea, or eating a spoonful of peanut butter while watching the sunset turn a grey sky, violet? Could one ever say modelling is an art form? Could anyone ever stop modelling until their last moment on this Earth? Life is art.

A photo-journalist

The leader of a communist group

A pair of Bohemians drinking and playing music

A gastronomy activist and performance artist

A disowned, homeless poet lighting a cigarette butt found on the ground, while holding a cup of vodka

A bus ticket collector's boots

A goldsmith

Unemployed skater boys

An aspiring attorney and piercing artist

A musician couple

Fashion designers and park hippies

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.