originally created: 16/02/2023
last updated: 30/04/2023
Taking pictures of strangers without their consentment is not the rightest thing to do, I get it, and if you have a complaint about this album your point is probably absolutely valid. That being said, "artistic freedom", right? What would be of the world if artists had to ask for a lease to every single person that appears in their works? Ignorance is bliss, we should cherish it, and what better way to do it than with a whole "protest piece" like this album (,right?).
On a more serious note, before continuing, if you are a person present in one or any of these pictures, and wishes not to be, send an e-mail to this address,, and I'll take care of it.
So, what exactly is this album about? First, it'll serve as a place to archive pictures I willingly took of people, with consent or not; second, serve as a place to showcase people that showed up in a scene and ruined photos — that you can find the intended versions of throughout The Trove.
Also, people are pretty cool, but they're the coolest when ignorant to the camera pointing at them. When it comes to intention, in all of the "consent-less" pictures there's a feeling of naturality; the intent of capturing scenes of rawness, crudeness, of absolute normality in people simply living their lives and being themselves, and that's beautiful! It's like going to a busy mall and watching the movement, the people looking at displays, coming in and out of stores, drinking milkshakes. They don't know you're watching, they don't care, they're ignorant to their person's capability of becoming character, of having art attached to "their concept".
Everything is art, beauty is everywhere in one way or another. I took it as my duty to capture this beauty through my vision, thus, "People":
A-one too many pictures of this elderly couple
A scene of afternoon, brasilian afternoon in a middle class neighborhood. Grams and gramps breathing some fresh air, gossiping... I heard gram-grams talking shit about me as I passed by too.

Men and dog at construction site
A bark, the gist, dust in the air, the cars passing; it's the main avenue.

Leopard woman
"not mad, just focused"

The wrong way of doing it

"Hoje tem jogo do mengão"
Mengão lost but all TVs across town were tuned in the game, everybody watching, everybody cheering in that sad, sad semifinal. Brasil, o país do futebol!

I think I know this guy

The downtown workforce
Men can't work in retail, I guess

Pool girl
Professional actress, appears in Eat, sing fuck and die

The 24h drugstore guy
The door is always closed at night, but you can get your plan Bs through the little hole.

My mans making a move

Not a stalker
I just wanted to take pictures of the tire pile outside the café, but then she showed up and I took pictures of her instead.

Professor's b-day
It was a great night with great people and I recorded so many videos. Will probably become a film eventually.

More church corner people

The photographer

De Niro

The food eaters (and The running man)

Biting nails

"What's the pass?"

"é 04:30, o galo cantou"
"deus te abençoe!" "Amém!" "deus te abençoe!" "Amém!"


Ride visits
free beer

Old man in wheelchair
"Aô!" "Êp!"

Man watching cars

The bus won't come
it's too late

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.