nul gens

originally created: 11/09/2023
last updated: 16/04/2023
Update: [0 new pictures... :(] fixed the hotlinks

In my pursuit of emptiness, many subjects and scenarios become recurrent: dark alleys, empty streets, stores outside business hours, et cetera. But my favorite, the thing I love most to photograph out of those, are mannequins.

There's just something about their perfection of model, the unnaturality of said perfection, in a way so human but absolutely lacking in humanity by and in itself. Every mannequin is hollow in ways more than one, and that's the whole of mathematical beauty—in which beauty exists for a fit purpose.

Reminds me of Ito's "Tomie": the undeniable attraction that leads one to ruination. And it is also the beauty of flowers or fruit, so their sweet smell as of venus flytraps'. Natural beauty! Beauty in nature not in the whole but as specific cases of. In the example of mannequins, man-made "natural beauty".

Appearance truly is a dangerous thing. Superficial attraction is a powerful tool. Knowing so, I lift up my glass to the empty people, and present to you exactly what I mean.

[A lot of these were moved here from the Emptiness album.]

In loving memory of the great Fish-o-mancer. May his dear soul rest in peace.

Fancy clowns

The first run. Newfound pleasures.

fancy I fancy II


Model conviction

mrs I mrs II

The cook and the kids

cook I cook II cook III cook IV

Annie Bonny breaks into a mall

In memorian. Dear Fish-o-mancer, you'll be missed.

mall I mall II mall III mall IV mall V mall VI

Closed up shops

shop I


shop II


shop III

Light fabrics

preggo I


preggo II


Boss bitch

dying of alcohol poisoning

boss I boss II

Clothes for the populace

Fancy clothes for the wannabe rich

Enters gentrification

Breathy bovine eyelashes

Abandonment and repurpose

This and the previous one were taken barely ten minutes apart from each other.

A new multimedia project of mine has just been released!
Check out Annie Bonny's Risible Lives right now in Wattpad (click the image):

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.

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