Little statues, big statues and other monuments
originally created: 17/02/2023
last updated: 13/09/2024
Update: [14 new pictures!] Added sections "Cherub/Rapture", "São Jorge", "Safe spaces", "The main angel", "Med school" and "Lady Victory" to the bottom of the page.
Although this stuff is not common, or recurring to my eyesight, something tells me I should make a separate album and not just throw these in the miscellanious dump.
I can't explain their existence, the meaning behind, the reason for and, the pictures here, at least the ones posted with the creation of the album, happened by chance. That being said, capturing monuments in pictures has a certain different smell, a sensation maybe: moldy green. It's moldy green what I feel when I look at them, and thinking back to the moment I took those pictures feels like sinusitis. It's a feeling of displacement, not transportation, that takes me to the perpetual sensation of abandonment and specific-ignorability of those special, special objects. They are so much, they represent so much but nobody bats an eye. And when they do, it is never enough.
When I look at a bronze Drummond sitting on his little bench, the only thing I can think of is how he's going to outlive all there is around him. How he cannot transform and what he is, therefore, becomes eternal. It's the same idea as of the pictures, but in a much more solid existence. Monuments are eternal, that's the whole point, they serve to eternize; deep down they're ideas, memories, metaphysical concepts; something way too far from the present reality, of standing in place looking up to Franklin's broken nose, of seeing him, of seeing something you shouldn't be able to.
Whatever, it creeps me out.
Fatimá's shrine
She's been encased in glass for many, many years; will stay this way forever and ever

The junk man
Tall man made of scrap metal wearing a mask the wrong way.

Bow and arrow thing
for the natives

Wicca witch
from the wicca place

Bronze Lady Liberty
Moved here from the Emptiness album

The Holy Spirit

Monsenhor Honorato
unexplainable selfies (very shameful lol)

Living room relics

Man holding baby

One of the eight angels guarding that battered apartment building.


São Jorge

Safe spaces

The main angel

Med skull

Lady Victory

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.
PostIMG albums I, II, III, IV