Nocturnal set to try out new equipment
originally created: 06/02/2023
last updated: 29/05/2024
Friend got a new phone and you already know what I'm doing, that's right, taking pictures whenever he lets me borrow it. It's a Redmi 10C and you can find more technical information in the apparatus post.
I always opt to use it when it's absolutely too dark for the camcorder, but as a "drawback" it ends up making everything very surrealistic. It's some kind of "nocturnal mode" or something that, at first, seems to only increase brightness, but also changes colors somehow. Still to understand how this thing works.
Anyways, since the phone has become a sure addition to the equipment list, this set is not the only time you'll see pictures taken with it around here. That being said, as a way to celebrate a newcomer and to fit these alien pictures somewhere, I decided to make a short, one-shot album with the first few photos. Hope you enjoy.
Demon's den and the Moon Tree
A strange hole under the pretty tree upon which shines the moon.

Too cloudy, moon wasn't shining so bright that night.

Couple cool buildings

The festive post
Pictures of this light thingy were taken with both cameras, and the camcorder ones will come out with the next update to the "Light" album.


You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.