originally created:19/01/2023
last updated: 07/12/2023
This album has surpassed the acceptable amount of pictures for easy navigation in this website (111 photos!😲), so it is officially being archived. There won't be any more pictures posted here, and all that relates to the category (Animals) will be in a new album: Animals II. The same will be done with any albums that surpass 100 photos, moved to the One-shot section at The Trove's main page. Dropbox and Drive folders will remain the same, though, if you use that. Changes will take effect in the next update to the category.
My friend Wayne told me once I had a problem, he told me that it was not normal to cook and not take pictures of what you cook. So I asked, "why would I?", and he responded "well... I don't know. Because everybody else does?", and then corrected, "you must cook better than other people, right? Your food might deserve some pictures, and I want to know how it looks". I never take pictures of my food and Wayne is still to this day wondering how my fish pot pies look like. But I did take one or two from cute cookies I made or whatever, to show the guys; though I could never see myself partaking in the "public sharing" of said kind of picture. And of course that makes me self-aware, wondering if my goings are "normal" or not, when I think they are. Even more when you take into account that I don't take pictures of my cat, and pet owners never not take pictures of their pets.
Mme. Bovary is a beautiful Calico cat. I think Calico cats are the beautifulest cats there are, with their green eyes and puffy tails and pink noses and three colors and their sassy attitude and their hunting prowess and all. They're like Minerva's cat, so beautiful and strong and, everytime I look at Mme. Bovary I see all that, and I feel proud to have her as companion. Of course, when she does a cute thing, like cats do, I also think it's cute, but instead of pulling out a camera (like people usually do), I brush it off and save that memory for myself only. The more it happens though, the less special it becomes, and the less incentive there is even, for recording it. I also don't just wake up one day with her sleeping between my legs, — making my hips hurt for the rest of the morning — and think "wow, Bovary, you look specially nice today, mama's gonna take some pictures!"; unlike people, cats just look the same all the time, so "why would I", right?
On the other hand, I like to take pictures of the dead critters she brings inside from time to time. From tailless reptiles, to beheaded rats and wingless birds, all the way to gruesome chunks I can't identify and intact caterpillars, the collection is fast and always growing, as well as my frustration with having to hunt for the origin of awful smells that are sure to always mysteriously pop up from time to time.
Also, other animals. If from a standpoint I don't see my own cat as photogenic, I see all other animals as such. If you recall, I'm a friend of the stray and an activist for animal freedom, and despise the housepet culture. Cats and dogs are supposed to be free, and if today you don't regard it as that, you're part of the problem. Anyways, I love street animals, they love me, and if you've read "To become a [gang] member" there's a surprise for you in this post. The animals shown here are virtually all stray or free-range pets, but don't worry they're loved by their respective communities and that's all that matters. Fuck animal control.
The demon only cares momentarily

The pets from Betinha's gig place
Bikers love them

Rare picture of Mme. Bovary zoomed in from really far

The new "no home boys" in the block

cool bugs

it was scared so I couldn't get too close

This one's brightness was slightly altered for clarity, you can find more about edits here.

This one's brightness was slightly altered for clarity, you can find more about edits here.
When daddy longlegs came to visit

It's a "notebug" haha get it?

spider eating bee
A black cat in the shadows watching the loud people at the pub in front of his place (not happy)

Remember the story "To become a [gang] member"? I was taking pictures with Goo's phone that night, and guess who wanted to be in one of them? That's right, good boy King, the leader of the pack. Today sucks that I didn't take any photos of the other dogs, but at that moment I could not have the slightest idea of what was going to happen next. Wayne's gonna love this one.

Encounter with wild baby horse
Pretty long story on this one. There's a video too.

Un papillon au repos

Cat in blue
Controversial set

Cat with shoe
The other controversial set

Dog says hi, dog says bye
As I was writing a beautiful manifest

Cycero's new kitten

toilet cat

La voiture
un différend au matin

lamp head crybaby
sorrowful nights
forceful solitude
carefree love
warm companion

Itchy boy
incredibly itchy

Ant carrying leaf

Alleyway cats

Doused husky
melting away

Party-ready Betsy
still a crybaby

Chicken feet

Bando cat
One of many stray cat communities

Dog eating bone

Orange cat alone watches

Playful water birds
In the late afternoon they come out to play, going round and round in the sky, diving deep into the water at one point, and emerging from another like the lake is a giant portal.

Black ducks look weird from afar
it's like they don't have eyes :(

Bananaquit in urban scene


Cool bugs II

dying bee
Visiting moths
For some reason, all kinds of giant moths have been showing up at the crib lately. It's such a hustle to save them from Mme. Bovay, I'm honestly tired of being a great host.


sooo fuzzy

cat attack survivor
You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.
PostIMG albums I, II, III