Trees (and "ugly greenies", AKA other plants)
originally created:14/01/2023
last updated: 29/04/2024
This album has surpassed the acceptable amount of pictures for easy navigation in this website (101 photos!😲), so it is officially being archived. There won't be any more pictures posted here, and all that relates to the category (trees and ugly greenies) will be in a new album: Trees and ugly greenies II. The same will be done with any albums that surpass 100 photos, moved to the One-shot section at The Trove's main page. Dropbox folders will remain the same, though, if you use that.
Plants are kinda ugly, but trees —as well as flowers— I don't consider plants, necessarily. To the point "plants" encompasses from the weeds pestering my garden, always being reborn doesn't matter how far I go into purging their petty existence, to ugly greenies that are more spike than flowers, "decorating" cities all around the world; "trees" and "flowers" pertain to very specific groups that, on average, are good-looking and deserve to be photographed, even at the worst of this handsomeness.
That being said, here I am with an all different category for the Trove that'll rock your socks off, and that should not be in the same group as flowers, and that unfortunately will house a couple "ugly greenies" that are not as pretty as neither trees, nor flowers.
"That's the prettiest tree you can see from the E.R."
Anastasia, Carlos, Priscilla, Goo, Mets, Luna, Sam, me, most of the dearest people I know once looked out the window that gave view to this tree, from inside the main room of the Emergency Room of the most convenient hospital we all had as option. From the dozens of trees you can see from there, given there's a park right in front of the hospital, this one stands out as the most beautiful. It isn't the tallest, or scariest, or greenest or oldest, and to any commoner passing by, it might get brushed off as just another tree, but when you're inside the E.R., trying to recover from alcohol poisoning, or trying to keep your eyes open after taking one too many pills, that tree becomes the strongest link between you and reality; and then, and only then, you see the true beauty of that living, breathing being that is not so different from you after all; and at the same time, reigns over so much, you included, and casts, as sigil, purity and hope to all that surrounds it. A vegetable effigy, nature's idol, an indestructible, forever-living companion to my generation and to all other generations of crazy kids to come.
[It has been cut down (29/04/24)]

A pretty tree with little lights hanging from it

Two-face tree
Afraid I wouldn't be able to capture it's beauty, one night I was fascinated by this tree. It was on the way home, couple hours til sunrise, where I first found it when taking an alternate path; and it struck me with such force, IT, a being of such natural beauty.
It was illuminated by a single, malfuncioning lamppost and, after awestruckly admiring it for a while and finally deciding to take a picture, BAM!, lights out. The whole neighborhood was pure darkness, it was a black out. My luck was that the moon was a gibbous then, and shone bright into the darkness, allowing me to still gaze at that fantastic tree while waiting for the unnatural lights to come back. As soon as they did, pictures were taken and videos recorded, and this is today one of my very favorite pictures, from one of my very favorite trees, in my most favorite of its phases. The green and purple, the two faces, beauty in two forms pertaining to a single being, captured in a single picture. Good stuff.

The video recording is also part of Eat, sing fuck and die
A nice tree
After going through some big trouble at the postal office to send a package to my good friend, Duck, I decided to sit at one of the benches outside to take a breather. The one I chose was under this tree, and I could not get enough of looking at it. It soothed me, like nothing else seemed to be able to in that moment, and I let the afternoon pass by as I lovingly watched the soft rustles of its branches.

Mysterious clothes hanging from a tree

A spotlighted tree in a dark street

In these pictures I captured something much different from what I wanted, but for that I made a video.

An eerie tree found at 03:00AM boooo

Nevermind this one, it's just an ugly greenie at 03:00AM
Eucalipt forest
It was right here where I discussed the importance of guro doujinshi with a Junji Ito fanboy, and realized how messed up some of you mfs can be sometimes in your search for deeper meaning in subversiveness.

The half-naked trees
This one is a mystery I came across recently. For some reason a bunch of trees, not all, around town had been stripped of their leaves only halfway through. I have 0 idea of why that is or what to search for on google, and honestly, at this point I don't even care anymore. Here are some examples,

Ricky eat acid tree
Definitely a Ricky eat acid cover

Pretty pink flowers
Over the hobbit-hole


Early evening pointy trees

Don't let the flowers fool you

Forbidden picture

Moldy tree path

There's a tree there

This one's brightness was slightly altered for clarity, you can find more about edits here.
Skate park trees


The dream shatterer
I've dreamt about taking a picture of this tree for quite a long time. From the bus it's always possible to see it, and after a tiresome day of running around visiting people or running errands, it is a true site to behold from the other side of the glass window. It's pretty, has its own little space in my heart, and one day I decided to walk there and finally try and capture this beauty I so daydream about, in a picture. Unfortunately I just couldn't find it. I couldn't find the beauty I've always put to its image. Being there, in front of it, in person — camera in hands — didn't feel so good. Wasn't the same.
Makes you think. How much of my reality is mine only and not "extrapersonal"? How much of it can change when I change? Subjectiveness, objectiveness, it is such a constant raging battle inside of me. It gets tiresome, fatiguing, when a dream is shattered.

Silent accomplices to terrible crimes

This one's brightness was slightly altered for clarity, you can find more about edits here.

That one tree

When they went home, here I laid, under the green tree, thinking about the sure curse electricity has casted upon humanity.

More ugly greenies
maybe kinda not

This one's brightness was slightly altered for clarity, you can find more about edits here.

The sunset pet food store tree

The church corner tree

Wallpaper material

Horror night
don't ask

Purple trees
Everyone's favorite, not just mine

cute pineapple
ain't he the cutest?🤔

Ugly flower, pretty pod

Tree-malgamation in late afternoon
ah! o bairro popular...

Trees with sad background skies

horror urban house forest
cool bando, lots of cats

The tried and true
formulaic shit

Dumpster tomatoes

Alas!, humanity

morning walk, solitary flowers


like sex on the beaches

Shadow tree

The last lamp
couldn't be broken

Pruning season

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.