Life and death of Old Man Yellard
originally created: 05/12/2023
last updated: 28/05/2024
This one was an October baby, and even did some stuntman work for the popular Life, death, rebirth: an acyclical course of life. Unfortunately, he got caught up in a garden accident and tragically died during retirement. Your legacy still stands, o' old boy! You're missed!
Day 01 (04/10)

Day 02 (05/10)

Day 04 (07/10)

Day 06 (09/10)

Day 07 (10/10)

Day 08 (11/10)

Day 09 (12/10)

Day 10 (13/10)

Day 12 (15/10)

Day 13 (16/10)

Day 14 (17/10)

Day 15 (18/10)

Day 16 (19/10)

Day 17 (20/10)

Day 18 (21/10)

Day 21 (24/10)

Day 22 (25/10)

Day 23 (26/10)

Day 24 (27/10)

Day 25 (28/10)

Here it started to become a little pink for some reason. I have no idea why this has been happening with the yellow roses, but even the leaves have been getting pink out of nowhere now.
Day 26 (29/10)

Day 27 (30/10)

Day 28 (31/10)

Day 31 (03/11)

Day 33 (05/11)

Day 34 (06/11)

Day 35 (07/11)

Day 36 (08/11)

Day 37 (09/11)

Day 38 (10/11)

The 10th of October saw the untimely demise of a dear old boy, good ole Old Man Yellard. He lived a happy and fulfilling life, and ate plenty of sun, and even accepted his alternative sexuality for a little while and had fun he never before thought possible. Unfortunately, during the defence of our territory, the brave guard/scarecrow, Madame Bovary, in an attempt of killing off a vagabond cat trying to catch birds on our yard, fell right onto the rose bush in a fantastic display of acrobatics, and by consequence ended right then and there, the history of our dear old beloved. With an aching heart I say these words, you'll be forever missed, goodbye old boy. Goodbye Old Man Yellard.
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