(11/01) B-day
originally created: 11/01/2023
last updated: 17/01/2023
My good friend Samuel threw a birthday party for himself this 2022, and from the experience of it I've birthed into this world a handful of different pieces. Some of them are the collection of pictures you're about to witness, others you can find here, further on in letters you won't be able to read.
I hope the few pictures I've taken tell the story I cannot fully tell, from a day that will forever live in my memories and in the memories of those present.

The remnants
Sadly I couldn't stay until the party was actually over, like I like to do, having to take care of dying people and everything; but what I could capture, in the later stages of the party, manages to show the best part: when only the best friends stay and the everybody else doesn't care that much and leave. Also, so many different characters. Wonder if you can point out anyone from the poem.


"I wanna be your fan, I want to kick it at the afterparty"

a dying man's tooth inside a Tic Tac bottle

the only reasonable Uber driver after midnight

miserable man wailing outside a hospital
You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.