originally created: 19/12/2024
last updated: 19/12/2024
My camera does not take pictures in Black & White, and despite not really caring about taking such pictures, it is still quite unfortunate that I don't even have the option. The reason behind this is probably just Sony gatekeeping shit on low-end bridge cameras so you're always buying the next thing, or using all the products they have to offer. The alternative for b&w on the DSC-H100 is a "color emphasizer" mode, where the camera automatically points out a color and ignores all others. So you choose from Reds, Blues, Greens and Yellows, and this is as far as you'll be able to go in trying to evade color.
Rather than cry about it, I decided to try it out. And this is the first of four color experiments I'll be working on in the next couple months or so. Photos with RED on them lol It's nothing special. Also, sorry, the sensors in my camera are FRIED. These pictures are almost all overexposed and grainy and bad, because I can't really progam it since most of the options are automatic because Sony sucks. Fuck Sony.

don't know why the meat wasn't red here

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.