I like streets
originally created: 28/11/2023
last updated: 30/05/2024
Update: Added sections "Time to go home II", "The steepest hill and the huge truck incident", "Dirt" and "Asphalt" to the bottom of the page.
This is an album that spawned from a fierce internal dispute that is still unresolved. In its core, it is supposed to present pictures of streets; but you know who has been doing that since the inception of The Trove? The "Emptiness" album. But in the pictures you'll find here, there is no emptiness; some of the time some cool buildings, but all in all, so simply pictures of streets. But that's something you can also find in the "Cool buildings" album, where I put pictures I've taken of cool buildings, but where the street can also be object in the scenario. And not any object, but an extension of the building itself.
So, why does this album even exist? Why don't I just upload this stuff anywhere else? Well, I don't fucking know. I see this gray area between the empty street and the building street, but one that isn't explored by any other album around here up to now; so I'll cut the discourse right here, and sorry but there is a whole other album in The Trove now.
Time to go home
People and cars hastily traverse
Unified objective

Late afternoon scene


Peaks and valleys

Time to go home II

The steepest hill and the huge truck incident



You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.