View from the left side of the bus
originally created: 22/10/2023
last updated: 28/05/2024
Going home from the function, camera fully charged in hands, I looked out the bus window and wondered if there was anything I should be ready to capture during the ride. There, an idea came to me: since now I had a good enough camera to capture the experience of the ride itself, why not do so? I had tried before, in camcorder times, and it did not work too good; but this time I was confident in getting an at least decent result.
Of course, quick captures inside a moving vehicle, at night, are still a big challenge for me, and this album is but improvisation and experimentation, so don't expect anything much. All in all, I'm happy with how it turned out. I believe bus rides to be the best way of touring, and a great choice for discovering new things (looking from new angles) in places you may already believe to know way too well.
So, come see what I see everytime I take a bus late at night.
Nevertheless, note that this is in no way a "complete experience". In order to get better sharpness I couldn't get many tools into making the images clearer, so "natural" lighting was what helped identify anything from a mushy, undiscernible blotch of gray and black. From the over 600 pictures taken, these 46 were the only "good" ones, for you to have an idea. And I also stopped midway through the journey because my arm got really tired and there simply wasn't enough light around to make it worth it. Maybe in the future I'll do something like this again, but with a better plan this time.

Friday church

The Incredible

drug monopoly

The BK bootleg


You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.