originally created: 25/01/2023
last updated: 29/05/2024
Today I can say this post was supposed to come out a whole month ago. The book too was supposed to come out a whole month ago, but because of Amazon sucking dick it unfortunately wasn't possible, and now, in the new 25th, in a Christmas unbirthday, it comes out as an homage to both this amazing holiday, and to the contents of the book itself (shoutouts Laura). A regular post will be coming out in the 26th about production and content and the experience of writing/reading it, so you can see how cool it is and maybe even grab a copy for yourself. Here, though, the theme is a little more broad: on the magic of Christmas itself, and a more concrete reflection of my vision on the experience of the holiday season, through, of course, the visual means of photo-snapping.
There's nothing I like more, come this time of year, than walk around the city with a six-pack, a notebook, fish and bread and watch the Christmas decorations everywhere; on parks, on apartment buildings, on big chain-supermarkets, et cetera. Sometimes there's someone by my side, but most of the time it's just me, alone after midnight, breathing the cool breeze of the night and being a bulb of selfish christmas-spiritism. It is very lonely then, but I don't mind; people can't hurt you when they're sleeping and all, and peacefulness tend to win over loneliness at the end.
On this post it's pretty clear what I'm talking about, being the very first time I record this kind of experience in visual form, and I hope we can share the beauty I see in these pictures; though only in a sample, and only of one city. In the future, that is, in December of this year (2023), I hope to make another album with even more Christmas-related pictures, and this time more well-prepared and with even more uneasiness to the later viewer. Until then, have fun with this one.
The ugly star of Bethlehem
This thing looks so cool from a distance, but from up close you can see how it absolutely sucks.

The Christmas bridge

You can kinda see the crazy man on this one.
The tower of light
Hard to wrap my head around this one. It is so cool and tall in person, but in pictures it just looks alien, sputnik-ish even. Cool decoration overall though.

"The Smooch-stop"
It is very common in parks all over to have a little grove, a little special place for lovebirds to smooch at, and stop sharing saliva in front of everybody else that's not immediately in love. This one was a classic before they reformed the park, but it's still nice today, I guess. The little lights they put up are pretty nice, and the tree trunk is very intertwined and old (pretty cool).

The light deer
I wonder if Laura would like this one

Cool decorated fonts
Some highlights of the jolly night life

An isolated christmas spirit
There's a video of it. I was super drunk and super cold then, don't mind the shaking.

An ugly tree decoration
I hate this thing

Christmas lights

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.
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