Multilaser P9076
originally created:20/01/2023
last updated: 08/06/2023
The Multilaser P9076 is a small cellular phone I bought when my dear Samsung Galaxy pocket, gifted to me by a dear friend (R.I.P. Vini), died after five years. It was in poverished desperation that I got it, and to this day I can't find much value in this purchase, despite "it" still being alive after almost five years.
The mp3 player is too loud, the radio only has 2 stations, and the buttons are too hard. In the dark, the screen is too bright even at the lowest setting, and you have to struggle so hard for that shitty camera to focus, you have no idea. It was less than 100BRL, though, which translates to around 20USD, so you can see I also don't have many rights to complain here.
Today that cellular's battery is as thick as my thumb, and I'm pretty sure it could blow up inside my pocket anytime now. For that reason I can't really use it for pictures anymore, and that's especially unfortunate now that I've been experimenting with low-fidelity equipment. So until I get a new battery for it (what probably isn't happening), these are the only pictures I got, found in the phone's album (250MB integrated memory DAMN).
Also, one day, when I finally have my beautiful (and completely funcional in this modern era) Nokia N95 8GB, you will see what cellular phone photography is all about.
At the food court

At the back of a clothing store

At the bus terminal

You can use these pictures for non-commercial purposes, I probably won't oppose, but give proper credits and let me know through the e-mail on the About section if you do.