About recent releases, future releases, life in general, music, books, films, whatever

The next year is now the new year and, surprisingly enough, 2022 was another gap year for me. I wonder when I'll finally grow up and chase my biggest dreams, get a decent position in society where I can tell people that I'm superior to them in a decently-provable way, and settle down or something. I wonder if I'll grow old and still keep this youthful punkishness of mine, of going so against common sense in everything I do, and have my legacy be a cesspool of """degeneracy""".
I honestly just want to know the future, because I'm sure no outcome could ever ruin the me of the present.

But I've done a lot. Not as much as I wish I had done, but enough to be proud of myself. For starters, my second ever published book was released (at the end of the year), and I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. It was the closing to this year-long project I engaged in with Wayne, in which we wrote three nice little booklets, and then mashed them together to form a "one-book trilogy" that you can check out here and read for free! To say the least, it's a collection of short stories and contains a bunch of really cool stuff. Also there's a guest section, and a handful of my friends participated with some entries. Pretty cool stuff right there.

And to keep on the topic of books, the third ever published book was supposed to come out in the same month, December, right after Christmas. Called "Bloody Christmas: It sucks sometimes", it is a horror anthology about things that suck when it comes to Christmas, and an experiment realized to see how I would go about physical horror in my writing, to have a breather from all the psychological stuff I normally do. In the end it was pretty damn gruesome, and my taste-test readers all thought the stories were rather disturbing, so I feel like I accomplished something beautiful with that. Unfortunately, due to KDP being a bitch, it was impossible for the book to be released in the 26th and it will come out sometime in January. When it does I'll be sure to make a post over here to talk about it and try to rake in some buyers. :p

Around October or something I also released a visualizer about Cicadas: the philosophy of their life cycle and how it relates to that of us humans (and then, more specifically, to mine). Pretty of ultra personal stuff in there, but rather poetic, and I don't think anyone really understood the message up to this point. It's called "Eat, sing, fuck and die", and you can check it out over here. Here's a cool .gif I made for it:

I also began posting pictures on Instagram, but none of that selfie shit or anything like that. You know me, I would never. It's just that a good friend of mine gave me his old Samsung camcorder as a birthday gift, and I started recording everything in my life. Since this life of mine isn't very conventional, and I'm an avid city pyrate and adventurer, my pics are very cool. I also recorded the previously mentioned visualizer with it, I mean, it's a bunch of random footage stitched together, but I did record those with the camera. Problem is that Instagram is weirdly limiting with size and presentation and everything, and I'm honestly pretty tired of dealing with it, so I'll be archiving my cool pictures over here on this blog. That means the blog will officially not be only about obscure poetry anymore, but about whatever instead. This is the Instagram, if you're curious.

If you know about "my lore", you're probably aware that I used to hate photos and highly favored mental pictures instead; but this year I learned that my mind is failing me, even though I'm in my twenties, and that my memories will not last forever if I don't put them on paper. I wrote about it in Untitled 05. Kind of an epiphany is what happened, and then I began craving pictures. Weird stuff, I must say, but it's nice to see such a significant change in my life. Now my friends use my pictures as their avatars.

Another really big thing happened this year. My father died, I'm broke, took a last minute flight across the country, didn't have money to return. Here I was back to dealing with my mom's shit, wasn't for it, stole her car, am living with the homies for so goddamn long now. I wrote about it in a few posts on NIGHTMARE MIRROR at the time, like Untitled 07 and sober dreamlike journal. Over here I helped everybody with their musical problems, recording, composing, playing on stage, singing on stage, hyping up mosh pits, the works. I took a pretty long break of work to live like a vagabond for a while, but then it bit me in the ass and it resulted in me simply not being able to go back home, while still paying rent. Now I'm back working, though, hopefully I'll be returning soon, but I still cannot spend much on Christmas gifts for everybody and that sucks.

I also started making custom shirts like this and this. It's a pretty fun hobby and I love it a lot, drawing on shirts and stuff. I'll be making a new design with Alfred this year too, and that will probably be sold on limited quantities maybe.

In the hentai area, the Christmas special of 2021 ended right in January at the Hentai for Intellectuals blog, and some pretty popular posts were released since then, and also a hiatus semi-announced, and also a comeback not realized. The blog's activities have been put on hold since April, and people never saw The Hentai Critic again. But there are plans for a pretty big article coming up now in early 2023, about the difference between art and artist, and how virtual degeneracy translates to the real world. Pretty cool stuff there too, can't wait to start.

I've been in contact with some film students all over the world, and hopefully this year I'll be releasing two/three short films. One of them is already in the works and I'll soon be blabbing about it over here. It's about insecurities and how people suck. I'm also looking for voice people, so if you have a voice and is interested in taking part in the project, e-mail me at priscillamartins2234@gmail.com, or send me a dm on Discord: The hentai critic#5672
Also, my Youtube channel where you'll be able to watch them is Bonny's Treasure Trove

I'm working on a secret comic too. So don't tell duck about it. It's a b-day gift for him, about a detective duck. I'll be posting that around here too.

Another thing is that I'm planning on releasing a couple kids books this year, and am looking for artists to collab with. That's another cool thing I really want to be able to get done this year, but for that I'll need destiny's help because I'm lacking severely in artists' contacts. If I'm not able to find anybody, though, I'll probably draw it myself, so it's okay anyway.

Last but not least, I'll be putting some of my music online this year too. Got an EP in the works, some halloween music, some christmas music, all centered around my beautiful baby bass: "Goo"; but I'm also learning to make electronics musics and stuff, so if you like that, I'll probably be making some cool stuff once I get the hang of it.

And that's about it. Lots and lots of cool stuff planned for 2023, and hopefully I'll have an answer to my old dillemma of going to Canada or staying here. I'll probably be going to Canada, if I'm lucky this year, maybe the next if I need more time. Love y'all, kisses.

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