Bonny's Daily Journal of Wonders

Inspired by a section in Delany's "Times Square Red" in which he uses a page of his diary to illustrate the value of human contact to an individual's life, therefore the quality of a community they're in; and doing so in a nearly fantastical manner, as a vagrant of sorts, roaming the streets from Times Square in the way to his apartment, telling friend or foe to look up and see the bearded Hale-Bopp making his way through the somber mantle of the city sky; I found myself in a place of telling tales of similar value and manner, although much more akin to my own literature than his.

In a way, I already do that. Many of my readers, who keep up with my absurdly large portfolio, recognize in THE LOST TAPES, for example, the closest I have to a proper journal in a catalog of mostly personal chronicles and anecdotes. My interest in actually keeping up with it, though, has been dwindling as of late, although production of material relating to it has never stopped. In other words, I can't help but write about my day, but I don't want to worry about decorating it.

For such reasons, the idea of keeping a virtual, public journal sounds quite appealing. Besides, in my newfound interest of maintaining a proper routine, having a specific time of day to just dump my thoughts is quite nice. Forming proper paragraphs, rather than symbolic verses that matter only to me, should too be very approachable to whatever sort of reader I've lured with whatever manner of artistic endeavor I've put myself through in the past. Thus, this journal should be a win-win.

Nevertheless, there's a twist I find to be quite amusing: I won't guarantee the factuality of whatever is published here. Alas, consider this a place/non-place of fiction. Fuck Marc Augé LOL

Some entries here might be harmful for people under 18, or triggering for those who are more sensitive. So, if you are a kid, fuck off; go read some other section of the site.


by month


Janus (last updated: 30/01)



